
The 3 life path in numerology

Numerology concentrates in a few numbers, the destiny of a person, his possibilities, his joys, his sorrows, the key dates, the great turning points of a life. Called “science of numbers”, Numerology will explain, show, reveal the actions, behaviors, reactions, the forces at its disposal as well as the pitfalls to be avoided, the weaknesses…


The 2 life path in numerology

Numerology concentrates in a few numbers, the destiny of a person, his possibilities, his joys, his sorrows, the key dates, the great turning points of a life. Called “science of numbers”, Numerology will explain, show, reveal the actions, behaviors, reactions, the forces at its disposal as well as the pitfalls to be avoided, the weaknesses…

Learn tarot, why?

Learn tarot, why? In a way, tarot can be seen as a guide or answers instilled by the invisible to direct us to the most fruitful road, to the best solution, the one that will allow ease, well-being, success. Studying the Tarot de Marseille is like learning a language, reading an alphabet made up of…